Item Id: Morris01
Case Name: Morris, Cloud B
Case Number: 21 20256
Starting Minimum Bid: $2,695

Description: Oil & Gas well mineral rights near Anadarko, Oklahoma in Caddo County. Debtor holds fractional interest in the rights via inheritance. The status of leases is unknown. However, the County Clerk states that there are new leases in all 6 of the Sections dating from 2018 to 2022 in the ‘near vicinity’ of the Legal Descriptions. The location is south and slightly east of Anadarko
The Legal Description is: “Lots Three and Four of NW ¼ of Sec 6. Township 6 North, Range Ten West 10
The East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Sec Fourteen Township Eight, North Range Twelve West
The North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Sec 20, Township Eight North Range Ten West
The North East Quarter & the South East Quarter, and the East Half of The South West Quarter of Sec twenty Six. Township Eight North, Range 11 West,
Lots One & Two & of the South Half of the North East Quarter of Sec One, Township Six North, Range 10 West.
The North Half of the North East Quarter of Sec 7 Township Seven North, Range 10 West. Of the Lots Six & Seven and the West twenty acres of the East Half of the South West Quarter. Sec Six T10 NR 1
The debtor claims no knowledge of the status of leases, if any, past or present
The deed is in the name of the debtor’s late grandmother and was inherited by the debtor as fractional ownership. A copy of the Inheritance document and copy of deed will be provided to the winning bidder for recording with Caddo County. This auction is for 100% ownership.
The County Clerk states that there are new leasing activity in all 6 of the Sections in the Legal Description dating from 2018 to 2022 and are located in the ‘near vicinity’ of the Legal Descriptions.
Location Info: The rights are located south and slightly east of Anadarko
Liens: We are not aware of any liens
Bidding Guide: Please review the bidding guide for terms of auction prior to placing a bid or making an offer..