Item Id: Wickum02
Case Name: Wickum, Robert & Jacque
Case Number: 17 30669
Starting Minimum Bid: $1,495
Description: Oil & Gas well mineral rights near Benedict, North Dakota in McLean County. There is a co-owner listed on some of the deed related to the mineral rights. That co-owner is deceased and the debtor has inherited her portion
The Legal Description is:
The North Half of the NorthWest Quarter (N1/2 of NW1/4); SouthWest Quarter of the NorthWest Quarter (SW1/4 of the NW1/4), and Lots three (3) and four (4), of Section Thirty Five (35); in Township One Hundred Forty Nine (149) North of Range Eighty (80), containing one hundred ninety two (192) acres, more or less according to the US survey thereof:
Township 149 North, Range 80 West:
Section 35: Lots 3(51.55), 4(20.00), N/2 NW/4, SW/4 NW/4
The most recent lease on the rights was held by Atlantic Richfield (ARCO), a Delaware Corporation. The lease expired on 11/4/85 and was not renewed. Royalty payments to the owner during that period are unknown
There is no current lease holder or royalty payment stream
Liens: We do not know of any liens
Bidding Guide: Please review the bidding guide for terms of auction prior to placing a bid or making an offer..