Item Id: Taylor08
Case Name: Taylor, Robert E
Case Number: 11 22369
Starting Minimum Bid: $2,795
Description: Estate’s interest in 4.88 acres of vacant land in Duchesne, Utah. The property is located on 5600 South, Duchesne, UT 84021. The status of water, power, sewer and utilities is unknown. The APN# is 00-0026-3735 and the Serial # is UVR-18-7A. The legal description is ‘Sec 18 T3S R4W USM Lot 18-7A Uintah ViewRanches New Card from UVR-0018-0007 1981 4.88 AC’.
2013 taxes were approximately $95.95 and have not been paid. Total past due taxes and late fees are approximately $232.76 per the County Treasurer’s office and may be slightly higher after 4/30/14.
Parcel has been quit claimed by debtor over to the trustee. The trustee, in turn, will issue deed to new owner / winning bidder. This auction is for 100% ownership.
Location Info: The property is located immediately east of State Route 87, and is north of Duchesne. It is near Starvation Reservoir. Duchesne is located approximately 85 miles southeast of Park City and approximately 90 east of Provo.
Liens: There is a total due in past due taxes in the amount of approximately $232.76 per the County treasurer’s office. We do not know of any other liens.
*Picture is of general area, not representative of actual property.*
Bidding Guide: Please review the bidding guide for terms of auction prior to placing a bid or making an offer..